Diagnostic Imaging

Sirona Galileos 3D CT Scanner

At Steven D. Aeschliman DDS, PS, our team utilizes The 3D Sirona Galileos CT Scan analysis for outstanding patient outcomes. As the first comprehensive 3D digital diagnostic and treatment solution, Galileos combines x-ray imaging, visualization, diagnosis, planning, and surgical guide implementation into integrated and time-saving processes. The 3D Sirona Galileos CT Scan is a proven tool that is regarded as the standard for patient care and is imperative for proper implant placement.

Galileos provides an exceptionally clear scan that improves the opportunity for early detection of problems. A single 20-30 second scan is all that is required to provide all of the clinical views necessary for making informed diagnoses and confident treatment plans from start to finish, minimizing the risk of complications.

Your doctor will view your scan while performing surgery, enhancing his ability to increase surgical accuracy, and minimizing the risk of surgical complications such as nerve or blood vessel damage. 

Our team uses advanced dental technology in the Spokane, WA area to provide our patients with the best overall care.

Digital X-Rays

X-rays are a primary tool for the early identification of dental and/or other problems. Detecting issues with x-rays before they become problems will save you money in the long run by preventing the need for more extensive, costly procedures or surgeries. X-rays are primarily used to detect:

  • Impacted teeth tumors, both cancerous and non-cancerous
  • Cysts (fluid-filled sacs at the base of your teeth)
  • Internal tooth decay

At Steven D. Aeschliman DDS, PS, we use digital x-rays, which have several advantages over traditional film-based x-rays. Digital x-rays allow us to take x-rays with extremely minimal radiation that you would have received from traditional film x-rays. The worry of exposure to excess radiation is eliminated.

Large on-screen x-rays make patient communication more effective. The immediate observation of the images on the screen allows us to discuss your dental health quickly and accurately. Digital radiography has greatly enhanced the practice of dentistry. It allows the patient and the doctor to see images of the teeth in excellent resolution in a large format for easier detection of problems, all while drastically decreasing the radiation exposure to the patient. The process we use further defines the radiograph, resulting in clinically meaningful images that are sharp, very detailed, and rich in contrast.

Images are available instantly after exposure, eliminating the wait and effort spent developing with chemicals, and mounting x-rays. If an image needs to be retaken, it can be done immediately. Digital format also allows us to send and receive your images electronically. We can send them instantly to another dentist such as your referring clinician.

Lorem Ipsum

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Mauris vel ligula dolor. Nam convallis elementum commodo. Nulla viverra massa at nisl sollicitudin bibendum nec cursus neque. Etiam lobortis justo diam, porttitor varius lorem dignissim id. Duis vel felis semper, bibendum lectus sed, suscipit leo.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed massa quis felis fermentum tincidunt. In vitae nulla porta, placerat orci eu, imperdiet ipsum. Mauris pellentesque lorem commodo, interdum tortor et, pulvinar tortor. Vivamus a suscipit nulla, at tristique ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin porttitor turpis eget suscipit maximus.

Mauris vel ligula dolor. Nam convallis elementum commodo. Nulla viverra massa at nisl sollicitudin bibendum nec cursus neque. Etiam lobortis justo diam, porttitor varius lorem dignissim id. Duis vel felis semper, bibendum lectus sed, suscipit leo.

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